Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hostages of nationalism

Yesterday's session of parliament had one major theme, the whole country was focused on: The social-democratic party SMER-SD filed a motion to depose the Chairman of Parliament. Initially the reasons were multiple - but what started to transpire during an hours long tirade to and fro, began to become a heated debating theme over Mr Sulík's demission: "King Svätopluk's statue".

Hardly ever before, have I met with a more childish sand-pit row, by overpaid representatives of a nation, using the shallowest arguments, if not rather hinging on personal insults, which should not be admitted onto the floor of a democratic legislative body.

And here is the whole irony of the matter: whereas traditionally, leftist parties tend to be distant from any form of nationalism, especially when it gets a bitter taste of a fascist-like tendencies, whilst the so-called confessional parties would be equally expected to withhold themselves from such evil, it seems that especially the social democrats tend to be fascistoid while the other side has hardly the balls to make a firm stand point.

Slovak politics seems to thrive on mere primitive nationalism, as it has no other solution to offer to the people. Arguments are plain, or rather being just invectives than valid debating points of view. The weakness of all involved becomes painfully visible: tragically being trapped, as hostages of nationalism. A pitiful sight.


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