Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fico's fatal mistake

Obviously, the recent elections' results are keeping the country busy, and many comments and evaluations are crossing the internet-highway. Among people in the street, this is currently discussion issue number one. 

For many months the polls projected a doom image, where the sitting coalition would easily keep a comfortable majority. The arrogance with which Mr Fico was acting, made it hardly a bearable idea, equally the devastating policy measures which the coalition imposed would become a hell scenario for the country. The outcome was therefore more than surprising. The polls were dead wrong, except for one given; Fico's party ended up as the biggest, even bigger than in 2006, which - admittedly - was still a merit in itself, especially keeping in mind the shameless stealing and lying that was visibly (probably just the tip of the iceberg) going on.

And in this paradox lies also the root of discomfort with the apparent victory of the opposition. True is, that overall the 'rightist' parties (conservative, liberal, confessional, democratic minded...) have a majority in parliament and this is a fact. But it cannot be disregarded, that although Mečiar has been kicked out of politics (so far!), the other ultra-nationalist (therefore 'rightist' as well) coalition partner, well-known for its foul-mouthed boorish drunkard party leader, diminished its number of seats dramatically; they hardly made it. 

Fico's populist rhetoric - it must be admitted - has been proven to be very effective. The average Slovak voter thus prefers a "strong leader". Even be it of the Stalinist/North-Korean type. This thought is very scary. But despite his gift for convincing propaganda slogans, Fico has one fatal mistake; he is over-ambitious for power and a miserable strategist.

For a person owning a lawyer degree (but in all seriousness; having a pre-1989 degree is in some cases somewhat questionable, especially here) Fico has made certain decisions or even his statements in public, which have always amazed me for the total lack of any logical, strategic or factual foundation. Personally, I never detected a slightest politically sensible idea in his behaviour. And although, some - even educated - people whom I have spoken to assured me that Fico was highly intelligent, it almost frightened me to see such a conviction among people. Fico is far from intelligent, he is merely cunning; viciously cunning. 

But keeping two coalition partners in power, despite the outrageous scandals and embezzlements, was one of his greatest mistakes, which would undermine his majority in parliament. His blind ambition would become so strong, that he himself - lawyer or not - did no longer see the logical consequences of his acts.

Fico is out; a schoolboy with whom nobody wants to play, and sice Saturday he is meek and desparately tries to save what he can. He has the biggest party, and a political facade from his presidential buddy perhaps gives the fasle image, that he is in the process of negotiating possible coalition talks with other parties. To no avail.

During one of the discussion programmes on public TV, one political analyst declared even that Fico truly was a statesman. And this is the danger of Slovakia; Fico is not a statesman. As a ruthless and an egocentric narcissist, his acting could be regarded as mere criminal, and an accomplice to crime., and that makes him far from being a statesman at all. But as long as the media - and therefore many viewers take it for granted - servilely portray such statements then this country has hardly enough chance to radically change and get rid of its problems. The dreadful fact remains, that every 3rd Slovak voted for this red comrade.

Fico is out, and it highly is desirable that he will stay out forever. May the country finally realise this once and for all.


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