Saturday, April 10, 2010

Corruption at full speed?

Recently, the fixed term of the chairman of the Office for Public Procurement expired. Coinciding with the nearing end of the present cabinet, for some vague reasons, the government has rushed a law through parliament, extending the exchange of chairs till after the elections. Personally, I see no logical justification - from whichever angle it may be looked upon - and one may in all earnest wonder what the ulterior motive might be.

Theoretically, one might assume that keeping the present chairman (belonging to the opposition party) in charge would be a more than noble gesture of the ruling regents. Another logical assumption would be that the leaders - who otherwise are thoroughly skilled in bending any possible law and generously stuffing their greedy pockets - would keep a low profile right before the elections. Especially, since Brussels is closely and uncomfortably breathing in the neck of the EU funded projects, or the exposed violated tenders. However, there is a remarkable "but"...
The law is a mere smoke curtain to divert attention; while seemingly (but only pretending) a generous standing, the loop-hole is that while the chairman's mandate is temporarily extended, one article from the competencies of the said office has been omitted; to be able to act in case of a violation. The rationale is that it has not been applied in the past. 
In reality, the authority of the Office for Public Procurement has been clipped to its maximum, being just a lifeless and useless ornament without any effectiveness. While Minister's Tomanová's projects not only receive maximum criticism from Brussels and the EU funding is at utmost peril, Ms Tomanova has shortly before election time managed still managed to issue a major IT order - whether according to the proper rules? Make an educated guess.
It seems that the government has with full consciousness ordered a perfect way to thrust corruption even at far higher speed than it has been ever before. Just a small question to Mr Lajčák... your statement on Slovakia not being a banana republic was just a joke, right?


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