Thursday, September 3, 2009

A new sound

Slovakia goes forth. Society, after centuries of Hungarian supremacy, the Habsburgs, totalitarian regimes and gaining independence from Prague, is still struggling to find its true place in history and to find peace with its own identity. Despite belonging to the 'democratic' bloc, political stability is far from reality. Through a hastened NATO-entry, EU membership, Schengen and Euro-zone, the outside looks blue with gold starred European. Yet the overall equilibrium is still wafer thin, while the true democratic foundation - the tradition of its constituents knowing their political rightsis not just missing; it is furthermore leading to a kind of general public indifference. 
   From an outsider's perspective, this blog is an attempt to hold our every day's life a mirror and to ponder on trends within this society and to analyse developments. Are those trends natural, expected, questionable, or even to be condemned? Westerners have a different background - given by their specific historical past - yet we form the Western bloc, and certain adaptations are to be in place. Not to copy four-wheel drive cars, exclusive brands, but to put it explicitly; even a political ethical/moral conduct and expectations.

   It will be inspired by current affairs, input from friends, discussions and the like. For a wider accessibility, especially outside our region, I have decided to publish in the English language, to broaden the range of readers. In our modern, computerised and English-oriented world, this I presume, will hardly meet any objections. I am truly looking forward to meet my readers here. For sure, the first article(s) will come soon, as life is far from boring.

best regards from Pezinok,

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